"The last thing you want to be seen as is a puppet of the United States, and you can almost see the hand underneath the shirt today moving the lips." -Kerry Spokesman and former Clinton Press Secretary, Joe Lockhart, on Iraqi Prime Minister Allawi's remarks before Congress

"John Kerry's whole foreign policy is cemented to the notion that allies are everything. And yet he spends precious time ridiculing America's allies as a 'coalition of the bribed' and letting his surrogates call the Iraqi prime minister a Bush puppet." -Jonah Goldberg

"John Kerry told Temple University Friday he will wage war in Iraq differently. It's called personal diplomacy. Due to his superior people skills and sensitivity he will be better able to get allies to send their soldiers into the wrong war at the wrong time." -Argus Hamilton

"I cannot imagine that there will be any change in our decision not to send troops, whoever becomes president." -Gert Weisskirchen of Germany's Parliament

"People don't expect that much would change under a Kerry administration. ... We do not anticipate a sudden honeymoon in the event Kerry replaces Bush." -French Government Official