I highly recommend that you read each and every one of these articles. It will give you scary insight into the mind of Kerry supporters and liberals in general.

School Teacher fired over Bush Photo

Teacher fired for putting a picture of President and First Lady Bush on a wall next to other Presidents. Three parents complain that John Kerry and Teresa Heinz's picture is not posted as well.

Kerry Demonstrators stormed a Republican Campaign Office in West Allis, WI

More than 50 demonstrators supporting Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry stormed a Republican campaign office in West Allis at mid-day today, trespassing, creating a disturbance through the use of a bullhorn in the office and then refusing to leave when asked.

Shots fired into Knox Bush/Cheney headquarters

An unknown suspect fired multiple shots into the Bearden office of the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign Tuesday morning in Knoxville.

Swastika Burned Into Grass On Bush-Cheney Supporter's Lawn in Madison, WI

Madison homeowners are livid after vandals defaced their homes. Someone burned an 8-foot-by-8-foot Nazi swastika on a home's lawn near where Bush-Cheney signs were posted. Several nearby homes were vandalized as well.

'Choose Life' Plates Ruled Unconstitutional

Tennessee judge rules that optional "Choose Life" message on license plate is unconstitutional. Your first amendment rights surrender.
Along these same lines, they shouldn't be allowed to make 'Save the Owl' license plates without making 'Save the Logging Industry' license plates.

Liberal Banter: Teachers Back Away From Red Ink

A growing number of the nation’s educators are stocking up on purple pens for grading papers and passing on the traditional red, which they say can be intimidating and damaging to a student’s self-confidence.