For everyone who says that employees are entitled to a company's profits, think about this:

Should the same employees who "deserve higher wages" from a highly-profitable company receive LOWER wages from a company that is less profitable? What about companies that lose money... should their employees go without pay? Or even have to PAY to work?? Obviously not, as nobody would work for very low or no pay, and any company that wasn't profitable would immediately die due to lack of workers. This isn't how free markets work.

There's a reason employees are insulated from corporate losses, and it’s the same reason why they aren't entitled to corporate profits.

The truth is, wages are not dictated by profit. Wages are related to the value of the work performed. Profits (or losses) are what's LEFT OVER after all business expenses -- including wages -- are paid. If an employee wants some of the profit, he/she should become an owner of the company -- by buying stock, or even by starting a new business. But keep in mind: anyone eligible to receive some of the profit is also on the hook if the company loses money.

Some companies decide to share portions of their profit with their employees, but this is -- and should be -- purely optional, perhaps one method of retaining and attracting the best employees... all in an effort to increase profit for the owners and shareholders.

If you want higher wages, provide more value for your employer.