Photos from 2019 (September through December) (Return to Menu)
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Jump To: Annual Photos (Boys) | Main Photos | Sunsets

| Click Here to view the boys' School Photos and Annual Photos. |
Jump To: Annual Photos (Boys) | Main Photos | Sunsets

| "You Snooze, You Lose..." |

| Bring Your Cat to School Day |

| This appears to be a rare photo of the boys getting along. More likely, this was taken as Elliot was about to strangle Ephraim. |

| 5th Grade Volleyball |

| One of these things is not like the other... |

| Elliot Volunteering at the St. Boniface Concession Stand:

| The New Chicks:

| The Bavarian Bierhaus in Glendale |

Elliot's 5th Grade Volleyball Season (Highlights):

| Ope... Injury #1 from trying to impress a girl... |

| White men can't jump... but maybe they can float? |

| Playing Baseball with Kolton:

| Jumping on the Trampoline:

| Ope... Injury #2 from trying to impress a girl... |

| Before... |

| ...and After |

| Flight For Life Approaching & Landing at Open House in Germantown:

| Why do I fear another injury could be happening soon? |

NewAir ClearIce40:

| That is a LOT of butter... |

| This is why those Apple Pies taste so good! |

| Apple Pie Premix and Setup (St. Boniface):

| Get an ambulance on standby! |

| Cast Removal:

| In hindsight, this is a great way to catch the Coronavirus.
Ephraim playing with Adley and Lexi:

| Biloba Brewing in Brookfield |

| Rosanne Horseback Riding:

| October 29!!! |

| October 31, ugh... |

| Elliot Jumping into a Four-Foot Snow Bank on Halloween:

| Ephraim Pretending to Drink Wine:

| It's been cold and snowing for three weeks, yet here we are shortly before Thanksgiving and these trees haven't lost any leaves?? |

| Playin' around with my new wide-angle lens... (iPhone) |

| You know, just a classic ham-and-marshmallow sandwich. On white, of course. |

| 15 seconds remaining of 1 hour (used 99.6% of the time)! |

| St. Boniface Christmas Concert:

| Opening Luigi's Mansion 3:

| Playing Charades at Mark & Barb's House:

| Laughing Hysterically while reading the rules of Uno:

| Screw You 2019! You SUCKED! 2020 HERE WE COME! 2020 is going to be the BEST. YEAR. EVER!!! |
Jump To: Annual Photos (Boys) | Main Photos | Sunsets
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