Do Not Forget - A Chilling Reminder, Highly Recommended Viewing

Celsius 41.11 - Also Highly Recommended

FahrenHYPE 9/11 - Debunking Michael Moore's Lies

Jib Jab Parody Animation - This Land

Jib Jab Parody Animation - In DC

Kerry On Iraq - Highly Recommended

"Scary John Kerry" Homepage - Covers many issues

Crush Kerry

Anti-Kerry Site:

Real, Clear Politics - The largest collection of polls

Rassmussen Presidential Tracking - The poll used by the Bush campaign

Electoral Vote - Somewhat sketchy, yet interesting nonetheless

Custom Election Results - This one is fun!

Take a Soldier to the Movies - Run by friends of Rosanne!

The Swiftboat Veterans - Before you dismiss them, get to know them

Iraqi Statue - You won't see this on TV!

In God We Trust

United States & Religion

The 2nd Ammendment

Farewell Dossier - Highly interesting article regarding the Cold War

Watching The Changes - A Photo Essay collected from years of observation of the NYC Skyline