Saturday, December 1st around 4:10 PM
I was driving Ro's Audi east on Burleigh towards Mayfair Rd. We were travelling no more than 20 or 25 miles per hour in the left lane.
We had to turn right at Mayfair Rd., so I began to move over to the right lane.
At this point, we started heading downhill. Also, the roads were not plowed. So the tires caught the snow between the two lanes.
The car lost traction, and heading downhill, there was nothing to stop us...
The rear end of the car swung to the left and the car drifted to the right, pushing the driver's-side door right into the light pole.
We were going slow enough that we saw it coming... I was able to lean out of the way of the direct imapct, and we were not hurt.