Photos from 2008 (January through May)  (Return to Menu)

Click Here to view an index of Home Videos from 2008.

To enlarge a photo, click on it. Each photo is named in the following format: YMD-HMS. Hover over a photo to view this information.



  Is there a sock on my head???

  That kind of winter...

  This is how she sleeps...

  The Bellagio Water Fountains in Las Vegas

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Long Hair...

  ...Short Hair

  Foothills... (Is it pronounced Foot Hills or Foo Thills?)

  It wouldn't be Opening Day if it wasn't freezing...

  One of the most confused people I know...

  Silver Spring Falls Course

  I should have sued...

  Richard and Katy's Wedding and Reception

  Complete Set of Photos: Click Here

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