Photos from 2015 (May through August)  (Return to Menu)

Click Here to view an index of Home Videos from the same time period.

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  Family Yoga Time...

  Bo Ryan & Frank Kaminsky

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Elliot's Karate Class, Board Breaking, and Test

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Well, at least he can't climb out...

  Principal For A Day!

  ...seems like an easy job...

  "Hold on, I'm in a meeting"

  "One at a time!!"

  "Yes, Dr., I think I have that Benjamin Button disease..."

  Meet Bandit...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Videos of Bandit with the Family...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  A few more dogs and then she'll be happy... lol

  Our future front yard (side view)

  I think this shower is bigger than our house!

  When there's a will, there's a way...

  ...he's unstoppable

  "All I want for Flag Day?? is my two front teeth..."

  "... but she started it!!"

  (Thanks to some Canadian Forest Fires)

  What's wrong with Dan??

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Normally I hate photos of kids with food on their face, but I couldn't resist this one...

  He looks higher up this time...

  Uh oh, he can climb!

  Well THIS will definitely stop him!

  Or not.

  Again, unstoppable.

  What looks like tools must just be some sort of 3D video game system...

  The Moon through Elliot's Telescope...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Elliot in the Independence Day Parade...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  He's holding his throat; he must be tired...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  He never does this with vegetables...

  The only thing on earth that can make her happier than dogs can...

  No, it's obviously E=mc3

  Ephraim Laughing at the Tape Measure... Very Cute

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ephraim Scared of the Car Wash

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Elliot on the Slip-N-Slide (Slow-Motion)

  Watch Here: On YouTube


  Camp Invention

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ephraim stuffing his face with food...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  The Highland House

  Looking back... I'm not sure why we didn't use this more...

  A good day...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Our house... is now officially a zoo...

  Meet Leo (aka Larry)

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  "Another Cat??? You better hope Gary never comes back..."

  UGH. Sigh. Grumble...

  Just like Papa...

  He's ready for school... but is the school ready for him????????

  No coffee needed...

  1st Day, 1st Grade

  "You really better hope Gary doesn't come back..." (to be continued...)

  Mark; Mark; Mark; Mark

  The Boys' Birthday Party

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Pecking Order: Established

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  A Day Out with Thomas (Green Bay)

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Door County, Wisconsin

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Fyr Bal in Ephraim, Wisconsin (it's all downhill from here...)

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Pretty Relaxing...

  Ephraim Excited to Watch Trucks Go By

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ephraim on the Real Go-Karts

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ephraim on Mini Merry-Go-Round, Loving It

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Don't judge us... lol

  Bubbles! F***ing Bubbles Everyone!!!

  Watch Here: On YouTube


  The PC Junction Go-Karts...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  The Kids Playing on the PC Junction School Bus

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Wisconsin Dells

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Up North, Fishing (Hazelhurst, WI)

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ephraim Swimming Across the Lake by Himself

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ruby & Bandit in the Lake...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ephraim Looking at a Fish...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ephraim Fascinated...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Ephraim Playing with the Net in the Water

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Fishing is Boring... but then Super Happy! (Giant Fish)

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  I think this was in a Leinenkugel's Commercial?

  Ephraim Saying EIEIO (Like Aiden) by the S'mores Fire

  Watch Here: On YouTube

  Videos of Elliot and Ephraim jumping into the lake...

  Watch Here: On YouTube

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Machining Concepts, Inc. (Germantown, WI)

Click Here to view the ALL of the Construction Photos...

Click Here to view a slideshow that the construction company made...

  At the corner of Maple Rd. and Freistadt Rd. in Germantown.

Click Here to view the ALL of the Construction Photos...

Click Here to view a slideshow that the construction company made...

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