Photos from 2018 (January through April) (Return to Menu)
Click Here to view an index of Home Videos from the same time period.
To enlarge a photo, click on it. Each photo is named in the following format: YMD-HMS. Hover over a photo to view this information.

| Eating While Sleeping:

| So, it appears Ziggy did not learn his lesson... |

| Stained-Glass Lamp from Papa Marvin :) |

| Ice Skating with the Boys (For the First Time):

| Skiing with the Boys (Ephraim's First Time):

| Helicopter Dropping Men onto High-Tension Power Line:

| Something tells me that he's going to be a plumber! |

| At last, it appears that the sun is finally about to engulf the earth! |

| In his defense, we told him to get himself dressed... |

| They get bonus points for determination... |

| Are you ashamed of your behavior, Ruby? |

| Elliot, of course, was cast as Judas... |

| As promised...

| Cat Fight!

| (I wish this was) my Tesla... |

| The crazy, crazy boys...

| Building the Chicken Coop! |

| April 4 Snow?? Well, at least this will be the last snow storm of the year...... |

| Hug it out... |

| Oh, maybe not... |

| "Hey, brother..." |

| Imagine how cute these photos would be if they were actually in focus! |

| April 17 Snow Storm?? Ugh... |

| Chickens via USPS! |

| Not for anything, but we were promised SPRING Chickens... not winter ones! |

| Baby Chicks (NIB): Unboxing:

| April 19 Snow???? Enough!!!! |

| Replacement Chicken... |

| Only YOU can prevent grass fires... |
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