Photos from 2023 (January through April)  (Return to Menu)

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This is my kind of January... sunny and nary snowflake in sight!

Middle of the night...

Ziggy Chattering at something:

Ephraim Playing with Legos and Dominos at the Library:


Luna Attacking Ziggy, Churro Freaking Out:

February, and still (almost) no snow!!

Elliot, what doing...

Time to start packing for our summer road trip to New York City!

8th Grade Graduation Photos...

I see you, Luna...

NOW we get snow, after winter is over??

The Joker, ladies and gentlemen...

Leo Grooming Ziggy (Never Say Never!):

Churro Eating on Computer Desk:

Ephraim Serving at Mass:

Ziggy on the verge of death...

...all better, $3,000 later.

Ephraim as Pontius Pilate:

Ephraim Playing Games at American Family Field:

Ephraim Shoveling Mulch:

Maybe they should put up more signs??

Sooo vacant.

Ishnala Supper Club

Photos from Elliot's 8th Grade Trip to Washington DC...

Rosanne's First Day as an ER Nurse!

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