Other Videos from 2020  (Return to Menu)

1/12/2020 Hold Your Phone Horizontal
1/12/2020 Hold Your Phone Horizontal (Taken Vertically)
2/14/2020 Obnoxious Kids at The Quad
2/19/2020 Man Cycling By Himself (to Loud Classical Music) Before Spin Class
3/2/2020 Five-Day Timelapse from the Front Door Camera (Wyze)
3/11/2020 Clear Ice Machine (NewAir ClearIce40)
3/13/2020 Plastic Bag (Wyze)
3/13/2020 Ro Being Sassy (Silly)
3/25/2020 Look at this Idiot... Skiing (or Something) on the Sidewalk
3/29/2020 Hey Jeff, Here I Come...
4/11/2020 Peaceful Nature Sounds (Shalom Wildlife Zoo, West Bend)
4/27/2020 Golf Blitz - Lucky Shot
5/12-8/23 Elliot's Videos - Playing with his Brother, Cousins, and Friends
5/29/2020 Rosanne Eating a Plant
6/8-6/16 Awful Car Sounds (2011 BMW X5)
6/11-6/13 Fire Pit in Slow-Motion
6/20/2020 A Bug's Life (iPhone 11 Pro Max)
6/27/2020 Sister Squad Episodes 1-6 (Elliot, Ephraim, and Elliana)
6/30/2020 Safari Glitch with JSOnline (iPhone 11 Pro Max running iOS 13)
7/5/2020 I'm All-American (Ephraim)
7/11/2020 Awful Coyote Sounds Outside at Night
8/9/2020 Joining the Bitter's Club - Nelson's Hall on Washington Island
8/24/2020 The Window is Open and the Air Conditioner is On
8/26/2020 The Boys Playing Upstairs - The Pipe is Empty
8/26/2020 The Boys Playing Upstairs - The Basket is Empty
8/26/2020 The Boys Playing Upstairs - Elliot's Sound Effects
8/26/2020 The Boys Playing Upstairs - Ephraim's Sound Effects
8/26/2020 The Boys Playing Upstairs - Ephraim's Behavior
8/26/2020 The Boys Playing Upstairs - Ephraim's Language
8/29/2020 Ro Running with her new Trump Flag
8/30/2020 What is this Birthday Stuff?
10/8-12/26 Snapchat Videos & Photos (Fall 2020)
10/3-12/19 Photos from Elliot's Phone (Fall 2020)
9/26/2020 Trump Flag at Night
10/7/2020 Joe Biden Will Not Raise Taxes On Anyone Making Less Than $400,000
11/1/2020 Indecipherable Joe Biden
11/15/2020 Elliana's Armpit Confetti
12/19/2020 Elf on the... Fan
12/25/2020 Dancing Water Speaker

Some Videos Copyright 2020, Daniel Tetzlaff, All Rights Reserved. Send Feedback to dantcv@hotmail.com